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Well Being

Well Being Concentrate 100% 

A range of pure essential oil blend, designed to take the work out of creating an ambience in your home or office. For the novice and expert alike, these blends can be included in your daily life, in a simple and effective manner.

Description of Home Treatments Applications Recommended Dosage 


Neat essential oils are concentrated substances and prior to use on the skin, should be diluted in a carrier oil, cream or lotion to facilitate application and guard against skin reaction. Exceptions to this are when essential oils may be used for spot application e.g. Worts, blemishes corns - simply apply the oil to a cotton bud or similar applicator and apply direct to the effected area - do not apply to the surrounding skin.


Essential oils work in synergy together to enhance each other's properties and action. Blends of between 2 and 4 essential oils are recommended for optimum therapeutic effect. Choose oils to suit your emotional and physical needs with aromas that appeal to you.

Massage & Cream/Lotion application

Adult dosage (Children over 2 years & Pregnancy - use half dosage)

Add 10 drops in total of essential oil to 20mL of vegetable carrier oil. General rule 1 drop to 2mL

Add 10 drops in total of essential oil to 40gm of vegetable cream or lotion. General rules 1 drop to 4gm.

Massage using essential oils assists the passage of essential oils into the body whilst relaxing the muscles, enabling the blood and lymph to flow more freely and soothe the mind. Massage is beneficial to specific areas or to the total body depending on the condition being treated. Always massage in upward strokes.


The inhalation of essential oils can bring speedy relief to respiratory and stress related conditions. CAUTION: Close your eyes when inhaling.

For immediate effect, sprinkle 6-8 drops of essential oils on to a tissue. Inhale deeply three times. 

Add 3-4 drops of essential oils to a basin of hot water. Lean over the basin, covering your head with a towel, and inhale deeply several times. CAUTION: do not use this method if you suffer from Asthma due to steam.

Add 6 drops to water in an oil burner (with tea light candle alight) or to an electric vaporizer for environmental effects.

CAUTION: do not leave candles burning unattended. We recommend vegetable based tea light candles be used.


Full body bath - Using essential oils in a warm bath is enjoyable and very effective because the oil can act in two ways, through absorption into the skin and by inhalation, as the warm water causes evaporation of the essential oil. Adult dose: Add 6-8 drops of essential oils to a warm bath and stay in the water for 20 minutes. If you have dry or sensitive skin, add the essential oil to an equal amount of dispersant before adding to the bath, or add to 10mL of carrier oil, then add to the water. Children over 2years, pregnant women & elderly people - use half-adult dose.

Foot & hand baths - Add 5 to 6 drops of essential oil to a bowl of warm water or footbath and soak for 15 minutes. Wrap feet or hands in a dry towel and follow with an application of cream, lotion or gel.

Sitz bath - also known as hip baths. Add 5 drops of essential oil with an equal amount of dispersant and add to enough water to cover the hips. A cold hipbath should last for 3 minutes only and is stimulating and decongesting. A hot hipbath should last for 15 minutes and will stimulate, relax, warm and relieve pain.

Compress - A compress is simply water and essential oil applied externally to the body with a cloth. A compress can be hot or cold depending on the condition. A hot compress should be as hot as can be tolerated and reduces muscular pain and is drawing. A cold compress should have ice cubes in the water for maximum effect and is used for treating sprains, swelling, headaches and to reduce fever. A warm compress is excellent following the use of a facial cleanser or mask. Add 5 drops of essential oil to an equal amount of dispersant and add to water. Using a small soft cloth, immerse the cloth into the water and squeeze gently, place over the effected area. Repeat several times for maximum effect. Cloth may be left on for 2 -4 hours - cover the cloth with plastic wrap and a towel or blanket on top. Cold compresses should always be kept moist.

Hydrosol - Hydrosols offer a quick application of essential oils where other methods of application prove to timely or inappropriate. Hydrosols are effective in treating emotional or skin conditions. Combine 5 drops of essential oil with an equal amount of dispersant and add to 100mL of boiled or distilled water, in a fine spray mist bottle. Enjoy throughout the day or evening as often as required.

Douches - A douche is a vaginal wash using essential oils diluted in water. Add 5-10 drops of essential oil with an equal amount of dispersant to one litre of warm water. This mixture can be used in a sitz bath, bidet or in an enema or douche pot available from a chemist. Douches should be applied every day for a week when symptoms are acute.