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RM 110.00

Botanical ID

Boswellia Carteri

Plant part used

Gum or Resin

Place of origin

Middle East


A small shrub with abundant pinnate leaves and white or pale pink flowers. It yields a natural oleo gum resin, which is collected by making incisions into the bark. The age, appearance, moisture level and olfactory characteristics determine that quality of the oil.


A warm, woody, sweet balsamic, spicy fragrance with a hint of lemon.

Method of extraction

Steam distillation.


Frankincense is a very spiritual oil, with a majestic aroma. Many of its uses are due to its ability to slow and deepen breathing.

Blends well with

Bergamot, Geranium, Jasmine, lavender, Lemon, Patchouli, Sweet orange, Rosewood and Ylang Ylang.


Mind & Spirit – Frankincense slows down breathing and produces feelings of calm. This tends to bring about an elevating and soothing effect on the mind. Ideally used for meditation, it expands consciousness. Its comforting refreshing action is helpful for anxious and obsessional states linked to the past (blended for massage or used in a vaporizer)

Body – Main benefits to the body are for respiratory conditions (inhalation or chest massage). 

Skin & Hair – An ideal oil for mature, wrinkled skin in need of a lift. Its astringent properties may also help balance oily skin conditions (blended for facial massage or used in a compress).