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RM 130.00

Botanical ID

Zingiber Officinale

Plant part used


Place of origin

India, Indonesia


A perennial herb up to 1 meter high with thick, spreading, tuberous roots, which are pungent.


Spicy, sharp, warm and pleasant with a hint of lemon and pepper.

Method of extraction

Steam distillation.


A spice highly esteemed through the ages for its therapeutic properties. In Ayurvedic medicine, ginger was used to preserve food and treat digestive problems and was also considered a physical and spiritual cleanser.

Blends well with

Cedarwood, Frankincense, Geranium, Lemon, Lime, Sweet orange, Rosemary, and Peppermint.


Mind & Spirit – Its warming effect makes it ideal when you are feeling emotionally cold and flat. Very stimulating and grounding (Vaporizer).

Body – Well known for being a warming stimulant and as an aid for digestive problems. Good for nausea / travel sickness. Useful in the treatment of colds and flu, especially if feeling chilliness and fatigue (blended for massage or inhalation). Massage the hands and feet if there is a tendency for the extremities to feel the cold.

Skin & Hair – Helpful in clearing bruises.


May cause sensitization in some individuals.