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RM 100.00

Botanical ID

Pogostemon Cablin

Plant part used


Place of origin

Indonesia, India


A perennial bushy herb up to 1 meter tall with sturdy, hairy stem, large, fragrant, furry leaves with white flowers.


A strong earthy and exotic fragrance.

Method of extraction

Steam distillation (after leaves are sun dried)


Patchouli has a strong earthy aroma, indicative of its value in grounding the emotional state. When very stressed, a single drop of Patchouli can be placed on the solar plexus (the center of the emotions) to bring about a more tranquil state.

Blends well with

Bergamot, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Lavender, Lemongrass, Rosewood, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.


Mind & Spirit – Helps to ground and integrate energy and keep us in touch with our physical selves. Useful when dealing with anxiety and depression (vaporizer, massage or bath).

Body – Diuretic properties make it useful in case of fluid retention and cellulite (bath, massage or blended in a base cream or oil). Also have significant deodorizing properties.

Skin & Hair – Assists healing rough, cracked skin (blended into base oil or unscented cream). Also useful for treating acne, eczema, fungal infections (compress, bath or blended in a base cream) and scalp disorders.